Call for papersThe conference consists of keynotes lectures, invited and contributed papers and posters. The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Program Committee invite papers for contributed oral and poster presentations for the International Conference on Applied Statistics for Development in Africa, SADA'16. All topics of statistics and stochastic modelling can be addressed in contributed papers. Theoretical contributions as well as applied ones will be considered. The list below provides an indication of the applied topics that have been covered at previous SADA conferences and will be covered at the upcoming one.
The submission of a 3-4 pages paper, including authors name and surname, the contact information (e-mail) of the proposed presenter, is compulsory for reviewing All contributions must be wiritten in english and submitted online. No other forms of contributed paper or poster are permissible. High visibility will be given to poster sessions to value them in the same way as oral communications. The official languages of the presentations at the conference are French and English.