The organizing commitee is pleased to announced a Young Statisticians' day on Monday November 28th 2016.
By organizing a second edition of the Young Statisticians Day as part of the The International Conference on Applied Statistics for Development in Africa, the steering committee of the conference wants to emphasis the need and the importance of training young statisticians on the African continent to enhance their participation in the development of the discipline. The committee is convinced that this event will contribute to the development of a more integrated african statistical community since it will bring together young statisticians from several african countries, both french and english speaking.
The program:
There will be two expository talks by well established statisticians on the role of statistics in different application areas; and one half-day short course. The tentative topics for the event are: data mining, robust statistics and outliers detection, and analysis of complex survey data. The techniques will be illustrated using hands-on analysis and statistical software packages. The instructors for the workshop will be well-known international participants who are also attending the conference.
Call for application:
The Young Statisticians' day is open to all young African statisticians 40 years old or younger. To attend the event, a registration is necessary. The registration fees is 115$US. The fees are waived for all young participants that have registered to the main conference. To register to the event, please send an email to Prof. Simplice Dossou-gbete at the address
Financial Support:
A limited number of financial support is available that covers the registration fees and some travel and lodging support. Financial support is available for a limited number of participants for the Young Statisticians’ Day. The support will cover registration fees, accommodation, and partial travel expences.
To apply for financial support, send a cover letter together with a Curriculum Vitae to Dr. Simplice Dossou-Gbete at ( subject: young statisticians day). You should also arrange for a letter of recommendation from your supervisor or your professor be sent to Dr. Simplice Dossou-Gbété, (; subject: recommendation for participation to young statisticians days)