The Republic of Benin is a country of West Africa, which covers a surface of 114 763 km ² and extends on 670 km, from the Niger river in north to the Atlantic coast in the south. The size of the population of Benin is 10 008 749 inhabitants.
The Republic of Benin is a state member of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) and African Union (AU).
Single chamber of the Parliament of the Republic of Benin, the National Assembly of Benin represents the legislative power and controls the action of the Government
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has been established on May 28 1975 via the treaty of Lagos.
ECOWAS is a 15-member regional group with a mandate of promoting economic integration in all fields of activity of the constituting countries.
Member countries making up ECOWAS are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’ Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal and Togo
The Benin National Academy of Sciences (Académie Nationale des Sciences arts et lettres du Bénin (ANSALB)) was established in December 2010 as an independent, apolitical and non-profit organization.
The Academy consists of 3 sections: Science & Technology, and Health Sciences, Economics, Law and Politics, as well as Social Sciences and Humanities
The Benin National Academy of Sciences has been a member of IAP – the global network of science academies since 2015.
The ISI is a non-profit, non-government organization and has had consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1949. We have a long History and rich tradition.
Officially, the ISI was established in 1885, though the initial international gatherings of statisticians started earlier - back in 1853. Therefore, we are one of the oldest scientific associations still active throughout the world today.
The initial 81 members were the elite of that era’s statisticians in government and academia. They established our first statutes which have undergone a number of revisions since then. The current Statutes and By-Laws were adopted in 2011 under Dutch Law.
The ISI mission and Objectives are reflected in the slogan “Statistical Science for a Better World” and are supported by Strategic Plans developed every few years by the ISI Executive Committee in consultation with the Council. They focus on the long-term goals of the ISI and on how to realize these goals.
The ISI Mission is to promote the understanding, development and good practice of statistics worldwide.
The ISI Objectives are:
To enhance the ISI’s support of the international statistical community;
To promote and disseminate research and best practice in the statistical sciences;
To promote and disseminate research and best practice in all forms of statistics education;
To establish an appropriate role for the ISI promoting public awareness of good statistical practice and its value to the community, and in supporting good practice;
To enhance the ISI’s support for the statistical community in developing countries;
To broaden the range of areas of application in which the ISI is making worthwhile contribution;
To define and institute a constructive role for the ISI in supporting the development of young statisticians, and in encouraging the ongoing participation of older members;
To put the ISI and its Sections on a sound financial footing.
Fondation La Science Statistique
Founded since 1983, the foundation La Science Statistique aims:
to contribute to the development of the research and the teaching of the statistics and to promote its applications.
to recover and make to discover the trades of mathematics.
The World of Statistics—the successor to the highly successful International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) campaign celebrated in 2013—is a global network of nearly 2,360 organizations worldwide committed to:
Increasing public awareness of the power and impact of statistics on all aspects of society
Nurturing statistics as a profession, especially among young people
Promoting creativity and development in the sciences of probability and statistics
The American Statistical Association is the world’s largest community of statisticians, the "Big Tent for Statistics." The ASA supports excellence in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical science through meetings, publications, membership services, education, accreditation, and advocacy. Our members serve in industry, government, and academia in more than 90 countries, advancing research and promoting sound statistical practice to inform public policy and improve human welfa
UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.
UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives.
Since UNFPA started working in 1969, the number – and rate – of women dying from complications of pregnancy or childbirth has been halved. Families are smaller and healthier. Young people are more connected and empowered than ever before.
Société Anonyme Unipersonnelle au capital social de 93 370 000 000 F.CFA entièrement détenu par l’Etat Béninois, Bénin Télécoms SA a été créée par Décret N° 2004-260 du 05 mai 2004.
La société Bénin Télécoms SA a pour objet : la conception, l'installation, l'exploitation et la maintenance des réseaux de télécommunications fixes et mobiles